"When you park in the city you have street signs telling you where you can and can't park."I expect the same here."A Marion Council spokesman said the council would discuss
Wholesale Jerseys the signage issue with Westfield to ensure time limits were "clear" to shoppers."Westfield owns and manages the carpark, including the signage at Marion and we are talking with them about ensuring their signage is clear," the spokesman said.The spokesman could not confirm if Mr Chehade's fine was waived because of a lack of signage as
Cheap New York Giants Jerseys On Sale he was not able to discuss individual cases.The council wrote to Mr Chehade 10 weeks after issuing the fine to inform him it was being withdrawn.However, it did not refer to the signage in the response - the basis of Mr Chehade's appeal.It instead said: "Your expiation is being withdrawn due to
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nfl jerseys online for sale parking in the longest possible time limit (five hour) area within the shopping centre carpark. You were there to see a movie and
Wholesale NFL Jerseys to dine, not to work or commute to another location. For this reason, under the circumstances, the above expiation number will be withdrawn therefore no payment is required," the letter said.Mr Chehade
cheap nfl jerseys said he wanted to see more signage installed or said the council should stop issuing fines in the carpark.He encouraged others to challenge the council over their parking fines following his victory."How many other people have been pinged for this and ended up paying the fine?""There must have been thousands (of fines issued) over the years."The council would not provide statistics on the number and type of fines handed out at the shopping centre despite several approaches from The Advertiser.The shopping centre is a major hotspot for parking fines in the area.The council issued 9647 parking fines across the council area in the 2012/13 financial year, raising $539,000 in revenue.Westfield did not respond to inquiries by presstime.